Empty hands held high
Such small sacrifice
If not joined with my life
I sing in vain tonight
May the words I say
And things I do
Make my lifesong sing
Bring a smile to you
Let my lifesong sing to you
Let my lifesong sing to you
I want to sign Your name to the end of this day
Knowing that my heart was true
Let my lifesong sing to you
Lord, I give my life
A living sacrifice
To reach a world in need
To be your hands and feet
Let my lifesong sing to you
-Casting Crowns, from the album "Lifesong"
Okay, I lied. For the sake of simplicity, all pics will still be here. Thank you very much.
We're starting a boy band!
Three wild and crazy guys
I hate whining; therefore I am
We just said goodbye to my brother. He's going back to West Point. He is taking it day-by-day. He has a really hard schedule. I hate it when I hear college freshmen complain about a hard workload or high stress or being far away from home. I kinda feel guilty sometimes when I complain and then I think,"i'm really glad i'm not at west point".
That is kind of how I am with everything. We talk about how third world countries have it so hard and yet we turn around and complain about how we need a nicer car. The most prominent place I see this is at church. At least unbelievers don't talk about how they should be helping! I WANT to experience hardship somewhere just so I can feel what its like to get out of my comfortable bubble. Gosh, we have it so easy.
As soon as I get back from NY, all pics will be posted on my Pictures and Such blog. The address is
A Picture Share!
Dave with a large gun
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Dave's squad
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Dave with a large vehicle
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In a black hawk
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Mt. Hunter ski and board park
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The world-famous rip-van winkle sculpture
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In the car
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The water supply for new york city
A Picture Share!
Wake me when september ends(revised)
We are starting the new boys group in september. I'm very excited about it. I've been reviewing books that we might go through. Not to be a over-righteous zealot, but I hope we can make some big changes concerning the content of our boys group. Recently we watched the blazing center dvds. John Piper has some good things to say that I wish I had heard earlier.
Our young guys and girls groups have been treated too lightly recently. I mean, we are the youth of the church. What we think about God is what are children, and their children, and their children will think. It is so imperative that our discussions be meaningful and meaty. We are becoming too tolerant of the world, its ideals and the like. I almost am suprised at myself. If I am to play a part in the guys group I need to clean up my act first.
Thanks for letting me rant.
A Multi Media Share!
West point
A Picture Share!
Steve is so cool
A Picture Share!
A Picture Share!
In the briny sea
New York, New York, how i hate thee fair city
I am on holiday in New york to visit my brother for a week. He has bulked up up quite a bit, and I have not. I feel like those movies where there are two brothers and the older one is big and muscular and his little brother is small and dweeby and plays old SNES games on his computer. Like donkey kong. I love donkey kong. Would you like to hear a story?
It was christmastime a long time ago. My brother and myself woke up real early and rushed our white little bottoms to the christmas tree(picking the christmas tree was always fun; david and i useed to stick to the walls because of the sap). Anywho, my dad asks us if we want ten pennies or the newsest donkey kong game. We were desperate, so we chose donkey kong. And I've been diddying ever since.