Tuesday, February 07, 2006

MySpace: Are We Impairing Our Capacity to Think?

Well, I haven't got around to writing the piece on myspace yet. It is good because I have had time to think it over instead of just ranting about why myspace is the devil incarnate. But I do encourage any myspace users to stop usin'. It is a fad, and a bad one at that. But that will come later. Here is a great article from yesterday's breakpoint by Chuck Colson.

Musical Mush
Are We Impairing Our Capacity to Think?

When church music directors lead the congregation in singing some praise music, I often listen stoically with teeth clenched. But one Sunday morning, I cracked. We had been led through endless repetitions of a meaningless ditty called, “Draw Me Close to You.” The song has zero theological content and could be sung in a nightclub, for that matter. When I thought it was finally and mercifully over, the music leader beamed at us and said in a cheerful voice, “Let’s sing that again, shall we?” “No!” I shouted loudly. Heads all around me spun while my wife cringed.
I admit I prefer more traditional hymns. But even given that, I am convinced that much of the music being written for the Church today reflects an unfortunate trend—slipping across the line from worship to entertainment. Evangelicals are in danger of amusing ourselves to death, to borrow the title of the classic Neil Postman book.
The trend is also true of Christian radio, historically an important source of in-depth teaching. Many stations have recently dropped serious programming in favor of all-music formats. For example, a major Baltimore station dropped four talk shows to add music. A respected broadcaster recently dropped “Focus on the Family,” claiming it had become too focused on “moral issues.”
When a Cincinnati station replaced “BreakPoint” with music, I told the station manager that believers need to think Christianly about major worldview issues. Her reply? Younger women want “something to help them cope with life.”
This view was confirmed by a Christian homemaker during a TV special on evangelicalism. She is so busy, she explained, with her kids, Bible study, cooking, and all, that she does not even get to read the newspaper. Church for her is getting her spirits lifted. Now admittedly, modern life creates enormous stress, but can’t the Church offer comfort and help people confront the culture? Of course, music is important in the life of the Church. But it cannot replace solid teaching.
The decision by Christian broadcasters to avoid moral controversies could result in the Church withdrawing from the culture as it tragically did a century ago. The great strength of radio, as with books, has been to present in-depth teaching that engages Christians cognitively. Unfortunately, thinking analytically is something Christians find increasingly difficult. According to a government study, the average college graduate’s proficient literacy in English has declined from 40 percent in 1992 to 31 percent ten years later. The study defines proficient literacy as the ability to read lengthy, complex texts and draw complicated inferences.
This is horrifying. The Gospel above everything else is revealed propositional truth—truth that speaks to all of life. Sure, the Gospel is simple enough for a child to understand. But if you want to study doctrine and worldview, you need the capacity to engage ideas cognitively. Doctrine and biblical teaching does not consist of dry, abstract notions. It is the truth that must be carried to the heart and applied. And there is no escaping that it is truth that must be learned.
When Postman published his book two decades ago, he feared television would impair our capacity to think. He was right. But can we learn from this—or are we destined to follow suit, with the Church blissfully amusing itself into irrelevance?


At 7/2/06 9:21 AM, Blogger Truth and Zeal said...

I would agree with you about Myspace, how it is a fad. I know many Christians who have a Myspace profile, but a recent report indicated how Myspace was also being used by a lot of predators. I encourage using caution, wisdom and discernment with strangers on Myspace.

As for the Chuck Colson article. There are worse cases that have been encountered regarding praise music, which would be too lengthy to explain in this comment post, but Colson does make a valid point. Praise music must have God-centered and theologically sound content.

Dan (T&Z)

At 7/2/06 11:07 AM, Blogger Brian Sporer said...


Boy I didn't understand a word you just said.

At 7/2/06 11:14 AM, Blogger Truth and Zeal said...


You seem to have an AIM account? You ever online?


At 7/2/06 12:33 PM, Blogger stephen said...

You seem not to be understanding anything, Brian.

Yes Dan I do have AIM. The name is steveydmeador. And yes I'm on quite a bit.

At 7/2/06 1:25 PM, Blogger Brian Sporer said...

Boy I didn't understand a word you just said.

At 7/2/06 5:25 PM, Blogger carson said...


Great article. Welcome to mine and Dans world. C.J. Mahaney and John MacArthur require their worship leaders to complete theological training before they take the stage.

And what about Hell? I know a friend who has been going to a reformed church in the area for a year, and he has not heard anything about hell or judgement in a whole year. Read the Gospel's and see how many times Jesus talked about it.

Well i know it's kind of off the subject(like I am so good at doing), but just something to pray about

At 7/2/06 8:03 PM, Blogger Daniel Mann said...

A notable post. Yes, much of our current worship of the Church today is impotent, impoverish and anemic in nature. O' How we need a clarion call to a modern reformation within our church walls, for God to instill a depth of biblical authorial sound significance,in a theological frame work.

I have said many times that much of our so called 'Christian' worship music, is what I call, "7 Eleven songs". That is songs with 7 words sung over and over again eleven times. Plus most people don't go grocery shopping at "7 Eleven", it cost to much, and it is not very nourishing. So too- with much of our worship music today. It is costing us our very souls, to be fragmented and improvished toward God, and delighting in Him.

May God grant us all repentance, and a return to worship God bred in the furnace, in the crucible of grace. By the afflictions of God for God and the enablement to trust in Him alone. Amen

At 8/2/06 8:20 AM, Blogger carson said...

You can never go wrong with music from sovereign grace. They are cross centered as well as reformed in content.

At 8/2/06 3:16 PM, Blogger Truth and Zeal said...

To further what Carson was saying "C.J. Mahaney and John MacArthur require their worship leaders to complete theological training before they take the stage", churches like Grace only allow members to serve as worship leaders. Members have to take a membership class, must be baptized and must have recommendation from one of their pastors. They also encourage members to complete the FOF class, which addresses the church's doctrines.


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