Friday, December 30, 2005

I hate sushi, but I love this book

So I've been reading Praise Habit again, and I have gleaned some pretty cool things from it. I have found a cool and very simple way to read the Bible. Most of you have probably heard of it one way or another. I have only recently read about it. Its called lectio divina (or spiritual reading). There are four components that make up lectio: read, think, pray, live. This sounds very elementary but is good for a person like me.

To really benefit from the Bible, we have to saturate ourselves in it. Sometimes I feel like if I read the Bible for my quiet time in the morning, and just read it, not ponder it or really think about it, I think I have my spiritual time covered. But I need to immerse myself in it, to really think about the implications and consequences of what I'm reading.

Now I just need to do it every morning. That is the hard part.


At 30/12/05 3:21 PM, Blogger Julianne said...

Sounds like good stuff. You're so right about reading the Word. It's so easy for me to skim read. You know, reading until the words are like blah, blah, blah. Not really, but in my head they're like that. Anyway, we'll have to encourage each other to be in the Word daily. This is one of my biggest struggles.

At 30/12/05 3:23 PM, Blogger Daniel Mann said...

Amen bro!!!
Yes take a bath, and bathe in the word, get submersed.

I like sushi and sashimi. Maybe I should bring some to the bash, or, we all could make some at the bash. What kind of raw fish should I bring?

At 30/12/05 4:26 PM, Blogger Brian Sporer said...

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At 31/12/05 9:23 AM, Blogger carson said...

Great post steve O

That's why I love to read in MacArthur's study bible. Check out my comments in regards to what you posted on my blog. I misspelled a few words trying to type to fast. Well check it out. See ya tonight.

I'll bring the turkish delight!

At 31/12/05 6:07 PM, Blogger Brian Sporer said...

I hate sushi too.

At 2/1/06 10:22 AM, Blogger Ron said...


I am reading a book called "Experiencing God," written by Henry Blackaby. It, too, is provacative and disturbing reading, but excellent food for the soul. Did I ever answer your question about whether God is in control of the outcome of a situation? The answer is yes. His will does come to pass, sooner or later.

At 2/1/06 1:40 PM, Blogger Julianne said...

Ron: "Sooner or later"... What's up with that?

At 2/1/06 2:10 PM, Blogger carson said...

Stev-o, for now on I will just call you "O"

So it would go something like this

Hey O

check out my new post about Iraq. Hey I told Molissa Styles she should start a blog. That way she won't have to send all of those long e-mails. She can just send one that says " Go to My Blog" Your Dad heard me telling her this and said " Ya Blogs are allright, if you want to talk to the same circle of six friends over,and over again. Well I have seven friends now. So you can tell him he is wrong.

see ya!

Mayby what Ron is trying to say is "It will come to pass in his(God's) time" I hope

At 2/1/06 4:56 PM, Blogger Daniel Mann said...

But(God's will)comes to pass, all the time. Nothing happens apart from God's will, And willing it (all situations) to be. "All time" belongs to God, since He alone created it. Therefore His purposes always stand.

At 2/1/06 8:34 PM, Blogger Spinney said...

I am out of the loop. I didn't realize that David Crowder had written a book. If it is half as God honoring as his music, I'm sure I'll love it. Great post.


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