Thursday, December 07, 2006

Sure to warm your heart

Be sure to turn up the volume.


At 7/12/06 7:38 PM, Blogger Brian Sporer said...

I find this offensive, just like the three new Star Wars movies.

At 12/12/06 9:30 PM, Blogger Andy said...

Weird...and kind of scary.

At 12/12/06 10:57 PM, Blogger Natalie said...

Wow. Some people have too much time on their hands. I especially like it when Chewie hits the highest note in the song. I kept replaying it, and dad said, "What would happen if I turned off the internet?" :)

So, Brian, you're a Star Wars fan? Which one is your favorite movie?

At 13/12/06 10:14 PM, Blogger Brian Sporer said...


I will admit it. I am a Star Wars fan. As to which is my favorite movie, I cannot choose between episodes 4,5, and 6. I was intensely disappointed in the three new films though.

At 14/12/06 9:19 PM, Blogger stephen said...

Geez, you sound embarrassed for being a Star Wars fan. Say it like you mean it!

At 14/12/06 11:05 PM, Blogger Brian Sporer said...

I thought I just did?

At 15/12/06 10:17 AM, Blogger stephen said...

no you didn't

At 15/12/06 11:26 AM, Blogger Brian Sporer said...

"I will admit it. I am a Star Wars fan."

What possible meaning could these words have except to show that I enjoy Star Wars?

At 15/12/06 11:48 AM, Blogger stephen said...

I'm not denying that you said it, I'm just saying that you don't have to sound embarrassed because you are a Star Wars fan.

At 15/12/06 12:47 PM, Blogger Brian Sporer said...

I think you are projecting your personal views onto the text. If we look at it in context we find no evidence to suggest that I showed any shame concerning my fanaticism whatsoever. It then merely becomes a question of what the author intended by the words used. Being that the author is myself, I will lay the discussion to rest.

I did not imply that I was embarrassed about Star Wars in my comment. If you inferred that meaning then you have been corrected.

Peace be upon you

At 15/12/06 12:57 PM, Blogger Natalie said...

I don't like Episode 3. It's so sad. I like Episode 1 and 2, but, yes, Episodes 4, 5, & 6 are the best ones.

Did you know that George Lucas is planning on re-releasing all six SW movies in 3D? The first one re-releasing in 2007, in celebration of the 30th anniversary of Star Wars, and then one film per year after that.

At 15/12/06 1:27 PM, Blogger stephen said...

I am not trying to project my personal views onto "the text". If we look at it in context we can see that by you using the words, "I will admit it. I am a Star Wars fan", you are grudgingly admitting that indeed you are a Star Wars fan, but doing so only because you have been "caught". Perhaps a different choice of words would have been better suited to what you were trying to say. I merely dissected from your statement that you were ashamed of being a Star Wars fan by your use of "I will admit it", which normally means that one would have rather not admitted it. I instead implied that you should say it like you mean it(!), so we would not question your fanaticism, as opposed to a doeful interjection as evidenced by your previous sentiments. Hold your head high and say with confidence "Yes Natalie, I am a Star Wars fan, and proud of it."

Here's looking at you, kid.

At 15/12/06 4:00 PM, Blogger Brian Sporer said...

The problem with your position Stephen is that you mistake playful banter as embarrassment. This is a fault from your end and should not be rested on my shoulders. I also think that you misunderstood the meaning of the text because I did not add greater emphasis to the phase “I am a Star Wars fan”. To you this seems to imply a lack of resolve in my declaration, which you attribute to embarrassment; however, it does not mean any such thing. I tend to shy away from exclamation marks unless it is used in proper literary context. I will hardly ever use one to express my own excitement or firmness. I use them in appropriate places where exclamation is warranted and expected. I am under no obligation to punctuate “I am a Star Wars fan” any other way than I see fit.

They told me they fixed it. I trusted them to fix it. It's not my fault!

At 15/12/06 5:04 PM, Blogger stephen said...

You are incorrect in believing that I viewed your seemingly innocent comment as mere "playful banter". Your words imply something of greater depth as opposed to something as juvenile as playful banter. I am correcting you not only on the basis that being a fan of Star Wars is not something to be ashamed of, but also because you, Brian Sporer, seem to think that I would so quickly misinterpret your words of propagation, your so-called playful banter. What we are dealing with is not so much your lack of enthusiasm for cosmic films, albeit scientific fiction, but of your dubious choice of verbiage. To dismiss something as playful banter after the fact is, to use the proverbial, a scapegoat. Tit-tat, Brian. A slap on the hand for you. Perhaps you may dispose of the cowardice next time and utilize some bravery, yes?

Well Princess, it looks like you managed to keep me here a while longer.

At 15/12/06 5:51 PM, Blogger Brian Sporer said...

Stephen, I truly appreciate that you can be more aware of the intentions of my words than I am. I merely wrote them and have offered an acceptable defense of said words. Perhaps I should let you decide whether or not my defense is valid seeing as how you are, apparently, the judge of the world. Do not let the frustration with your misunderstanding cloud your view of the explanation I have offered. I also feel I must bring into question the validity of your opinion in the first place. I was having a conversation with Natalie, albeit on your blog, but a conversation with Natalie nonetheless. For you to so rudely interrupt the proceedings is very bad hat. As to the implication that I acted in cowardice, I highly dispute. I expressed an opinion in an extremely clear manner. How does this represent an act of cowardice? I continue to fail to see how you could misinterpret the meaning of my words. I was asked for my standing on a subject, I said I was offering an answer, and then I clearly offered my answer. My responsibility ends there. It is a failing on your part if you purposefully choose to misconstrue the apparent and stated meaning of the text.

But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!

At 15/12/06 6:19 PM, Blogger stephen said...

It is not a question of what you might have been thinking at the time of your previous statements, it is instead a question of the reader's interpretation of your said comments. I am not trying to guess at your intentions, I am merely endeavoring to extract the meaning from your earlier suggestions. I only ask that you make clear what you are trying to say without muddling your intentions, which then makes it a complex disarry of words that will only confound the reader to second guess your original intentions. We all know one cannot know a person's intentions, though we may try; it is complete claddle. Your words, or at least your preceding comments seem to be a twaddle of befuddlement. All that I am soliciting is that you inscribe plainly what you may be trying to convince whoever of, be it Natalie or myself. This will have effect of utter simplicity for you and the reader.

I don't like you either. You just watch yourself. We're wanted men. I have the death sentence on twelve systems.

At 15/12/06 8:08 PM, Blogger Brian Sporer said...

Stephen, you should reevaluate your process of disputing the meaning of what you have now made a scandalous statement. What you originally contended against was the underlying emotion with which I expressed my opinion. You now seem to be implying that my original words seemed to lack a certain clarity as to their intention. All I ask from you is a little consistency. If you disagree with the clearness of my writing, then you do not have a smidgen of rational proof. If you misread the emotion with which I wrote my correspondence, I point out how previously I have carefully explained how you error on the subject of that emotion. My intention was perfectly clear. I stated, in the simplest possible way, that I am a fan of Star Wars. I have explained myself. The phrase “I will admit it” contained no reference to shame whatsoever, yet you keep inferring it. I merely playfully expressed that I was about to answer a question. They are my words. I have shown how you misunderstand them. You should cease this blatant disregard for proper reason. Must you keep insisting on challenging me with little more than your own stubbornness?

Still... there's something familiar about this place. I feel like... I don't know...

At 15/12/06 8:16 PM, Blogger Brian Sporer said...

Also, forgive me Natalie if in all the excitement I failed to respond to you. It is a failing entirely of my own. No, I was not aware that they would be re-releasing the Star Wars films. My family only owns the original movies on VHS. It would be nice to acquire them on DVD.

At 16/12/06 10:16 AM, Blogger Natalie said...

That's okay, Brian. I was having fun listening to both of you. :)

I'm not sure if they'll be releasing them on DVD; I heard that they're going to release them in theaters, but I may be wrong.

I suppose we'll see you tonight, Stephen, at the Christmas concert in GP?

At 16/12/06 11:57 AM, Blogger Brian Sporer said...


I misunderstood you about what re-releasing meant. I will admit that. Please understand that by using that phrase I am not expressing any embarrassment. So, the movies are going to be in theaters again. That should be fun.

At 26/12/06 10:13 PM, Blogger Brian Sporer said...

The Empire Strikes Back: Extra-Special Edition

A furious lightsaber duel is underway. DARTH VADER is backing LUKE SKYWALKER towards the end of the gantry. A quick move by Vader, chops off Luke's hand! It goes spinning off into the ventilation shaft. Luke backs away. He looks around, but realizes there's nowhere to go but straight down.

Darth Vader: Obi Wan never told you what happened to your father.

Luke: He told me enough! He told me you killed him!

Darth Vader: No... I am your father!

Luke: No, it's not true! It's impossible.

Darth Vader: Search your feelings... you know it to be true...

Luke: NO!

Darth Vader: Yes, it is true... and you know what else? You know That brass droid of yours?

Luke: Threepio?

Darth Vader: Yes... Threepio... I built him... when I was 7 years old...

Luke: No...

Darth Vader: Seven years old! And what have you done? Look at yourself, no hand, no job, and couldn't even levitate your own ship out of the swamp...

Luke: I destroyed your precious Death Star!

Darth Vader: When you were 20! When I was 10, I single-handedly destroyed a Trade Federation Droid Control ship!

Luke: Well, it's not my fault...

Darth Vader: Oh, here we go... "Poor me... my father never gave me what I wanted for my birthday... boo hoo, my daddy's the Dark Lord of the Sith...waahhh wahhh!"

Luke: Shut up...

Darth Vader: You're a slacker! By the time I was you're age, I had exterminated the Jedi knights!

Luke: I used to race my T-16 through Beggar's Canyon...

Darth Vader: Oh, for the love of the Emperor... 10 years old, winner of the Boonta Eve Open... Only human to ever fly a Pod Racer... right here baby!

Luke looks down the shaft. Takes a step towards it.

Darth Vader: I was wrong... You're not my kid... I don't know whose you are, but you sure ain't mine...

Luke takes a step off the platform, hesitates, then plunges down the shaft.

Darth Vader looks after him.

Darth Vader: Get a haircut!


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